29.10.2021, 6am Kaufungen, 6pm Kassel
headphones play a diary entry from the early morning of 29.10.2021. Half a year after the murders in the Oberlinhaus Potsdam, at the end of a month with a lot of discriminatory violence in Kassel and on the morning of the reclaim the streets protest*on the Friedrich-Ebert-Straße in Kassel, I recorded my thoughts spiraling after a sleepless night.
speakers under the bed throw the sound of a speech held at the protest fragmentarily and at irregular intervals. I wrote the speach together with Nat and Sven as we were working in the autonomous students offices.
* following a racist attac on a Black person ISD Kassel and BPoC-FestivalKassel organized a protest, to rally with allies against racist, sexist and queer hostile assaults.