Der Weg ist weit. Bring weiche Schuhe mit. EN

It’s a long way. Bring soft shoes.

pictures: Aryn Hurst,
Tristan Marie Trotz,
Lea-Maraike Sambale

We are moving between the effects of the climate crisis, seemingly normal capitalism and a raging patriarchy with increasingly loud racism. Many who are committed to different futures are exhausted by the simultaneous crises and are burning out. How do we find ways from here to tender and sustainable societies? How do we get there without becoming dull and trampling or rolling over many things ourselves?

The installation invites you to pause amidst a soothing world of shifting sounds and to encounter your own tenderness. Between overlapping soundtracks, fractious places emerge that want to be dreamed and shared. While the imagination creates worlds, the body can rest on various elements for sitting and lying down or explore them with all senses.

* The Queer Center Kassel opened in April 2024. For its furnishings the center is dependent on donations. The seating and lounging elements were created in consultation with the plenum of the Queer Center and remain there as furniture after the exhibition.