about EN


Why I work:

disturb, are uncomfortable, push and dis.appoint
legal boundaries, normative expectations and required performances.
that is resistance and it is challenging,
soft and stubborn, vulnerable, tenacious,
while supposedly frail
creatively building solidarities and futures -
tomorrow we need bodies
to survive in a world not made for them.
today, bodies in the gaps of society are doing just that
while developing utopian practices; encouraging me.

    learn from these bodies.
    practice a soft and loving approach at bodies, respecting their agency, trusting their impact.
    word with others of what bodies experience.
    remind myself: there is knowledge in your body that I can never learn.
    reflect in solo work on where_how I position myself.
    try to recognize accesibility gaps in my work and
    explore multi-sensory approaches.
    am on my way.

Tristan Marie steht vor einem Rosenbusch, schaut direkt in die Kamera und lächelt leicht. Nin trägt eine pinke, glitzernde Brille in der Form von 2 Flamingos und ein hellblaues Shirt. Tristan Marie ist weiß. Nin hat helle haut und dunkle Haare mit einem kurzen Pony und ausrasierten Seiten.

In a world that is becoming increasingly hostile to life, marginalized bodies are the experts. They have always survived in adverse conditions. Centering these bodies and their abundance I develop interactive, multi-sensory works. I mainly use textiles and sound, but also illustration and text. Solo or together with others, I work on projects that try to find ways towards a sustainable society.

I was born and constructed in the GDR in 1988 and initially trained as a tailor after dropping out of school. From 2017 – 2024 I studied Fine Arts at the Kunsthochschule Kassel and from 2023 – 2024 I was part of the program Art as a Social Practice at the Hessian Theater Academy. In 2019 I was a scholarship holder of the 6th International Wintercampus of the artist city Kalbe and currently I work at the DOGO Residency for New Art.
My often site- and community-specific works have been shown in public spaces and exhibition spaces in Germany and the UK and have been well received, for example in bildpunkt and inspirational. Recently, the group exhibition Dazugehören und andere Träumereien was awarded the documenta Forum Kassel sponsorship prize.