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The checker found no problems in this document.
Document | ||
Rule Name | Status | Description |
Accessibility permission flag | Passed | Accessibility permission flag must be set |
Image-only PDF | Passed | Document is not image-only PDF |
Tagged PDF | Passed | Document is tagged PDF |
Logical Reading Order | Passed manually | Document structure provides a logical reading order |
Primary language | Passed | Text language is specified |
Title | Passed | Document title is showing in title bar |
Bookmarks | Passed | Bookmarks are present in large documents |
Color contrast | Needs manual check | Document has appropriate color contrast |
Page Content | ||
Rule Name | Status | Description |
Tagged content | Passed | All page content is tagged |
Tagged annotations | Passed | All annotations are tagged |
Tab order | Passed | Tab order is consistent with structure order |
Character encoding | Passed | Reliable character encoding is provided |
Tagged multimedia | Passed | All multimedia objects are tagged |
Screen flicker | Passed | Page will not cause screen flicker |
Scripts | Passed | No inaccessible scripts |
Timed responses | Passed | Page does not require timed responses |
Navigation links | Passed | Navigation links are not repetitive |
Forms | ||
Rule Name | Status | Description |
Tagged form fields | Passed | All form fields are tagged |
Field descriptions | Passed | All form fields have description |
Alternate Text | ||
Rule Name | Status | Description |
Figures alternate text | Passed | Figures require alternate text |
Nested alternate text | Passed | Alternate text that will never be read |
Associated with content | Passed | Alternate text must be associated with some content |
Hides annotation | Passed | Alternate text should not hide annotation |
Other elements alternate text | Passed | Other elements that require alternate text |
Tables | ||
Rule Name | Status | Description |
Rows | Passed | TR must be a child of Table, THead, TBody, or TFoot |
TH and TD | Passed | TH and TD must be children of TR |
Headers | Passed | Tables should have headers |
Regularity | Passed | Tables must contain the same number of columns in each row and rows in each column |
Summary | Skipped | Tables must have a summary |
Lists | ||
Rule Name | Status | Description |
List items | Passed | LI must be a child of L |
Lbl and LBody | Passed | Lbl and LBody must be children of LI |
Headings | ||
Rule Name | Status | Description |
Appropriate nesting | Passed | Appropriate nesting |