verstecke_n Brücke EN


with Ade Schinauer

An accessible pedestrian and cycle bridge* with benches to rest on connects the Kassel districts Stadtmitte and Unterneustadt. Woven into the bridge railing, eighteen fragmentary sentences recount the experience of and coping with hidden disabilities. The font is the color of light eggshells.

* It was inaugurated in 2000 as the Karl-Branner-Bridge. Branner was initially a member of the NSDAP and later mayor of Kassel for the SPD. In 2013, Stadtmitte and Unterneustadt advocated renaming the bridge because of Branner’s Nazi involvement. Instead, the city council added a memorial plaque to the bridge with statements about Branner’s life. In June 2019, the plaque was taken down because historians threatened to take legal action over the statements on the plaque. There was also renewed discussion about renaming the bridge. It has been called Walter-Lübcke-Bridge since June 2021. The white CDU politician Lübcke was killed by a right-wing extremist in Wolfhagen on June 1, 2019. The perpetrator is in prison.
Halit Yozgat was killed by the NSU in Kassel’s Nordstadt district on April 6, 2006. The attack has still not been fully solved. Halit’s family suggested that the street where he was born and murdered should be called Halitstraße. Instead, a previously nameless square along that street has been called Halitplatz since October 1, 2012.